If you have read the book there won’t really be a spoiler in this review, but I will be revealing what I thought was the most precious part of the movie!
We just got home from the first showing of The Lorax that opens March 2nd (Dr. Seuss’s Birthday). I have read The Lorax to my children dozens of times and it is a favorite at our house. I took my kids and they were super excited and loved every minute of it. The movie is so full of color. I watched in awe of how amazing the coloring is. It was perfectly Seuss-tastic and the trees looked like you could just reach out and touch them.
They were spectacular!
I loved that it provoked thought about what happens to the environment when we don’t respect it and how in the end we all should be good stewards of the land. My children asked many questions and were completely engaged. It was a Funtastic Friday at the movies with my kids.
I was most inspired by the quote from the Once-ler speaking about the last Truffula seed: “It’s not about what it is; it’s about what it can become.” I started to tear up as I looked at the mesmerized faces of my little ones and thought the very same thing about them. They are like little seeds that are sprouting right in front of my eyes. I can’t wait to see what they will become!
At that very moment, my son, not taking his eyes off the screen said to me, “Look mom, out of one…hundreds, that’s really good!” I love the innocence of my children to see the world less gloomy and more what it can become. Enjoy!